Stefan Luther

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Christoph, J., Chebbok, M., Richter, C., Schröder-Schetelig, J., Bittihn, P., Stein, S., et al. (2018). Electromechanical vortex filaments during cardiac fibrillation. Nature, 555, 667+.
Uzelac, I., Ji, Y. C., Hornung, D., Schröder-Scheteling, J., Luther, S., Gray, R. A., et al. (2017). Simultaneous Quantification of Spatially Discordant Alternans in Voltage and Intracellular Calcium in Langendorff-Perfused Rabbit Hearts and Inconsistencies with Models of Cardiac Action Potentials and Ca Transients. Frontiers In Physiology, 8.
Barrio, R., Coombes, S., Desroches, M., Fenton, F., Luther, S., & Pueyo, E. (2020). Excitable dynamics in neural and cardiac systems. Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation, 86. Retrieved de (Original work published 2020)