@article{22, author = {Nicola Paoletti and Andrea Patanè and Marta Kwiatkowska}, title = {Closed-loop quantitative verification of rate-adaptive pacemakers}, abstract = {

Cardiac pacemakers are electrical devices that treat arrhythmias delivering electrical stimuli to the patient heart • Rate-adaptation: regulation of pacing rate according to patient’s needs (e.g. increased pacing rate during exercise) • Programming of rate-adaptation parameters depends on many patient-specific factors (age, lifestyle, tolerance to rapid pacing, …) • Effective personalisation achievable only through extensive exercise testing: intolerable for a cardiac patient • We introduce a data-driven and model-based approach for subjectspecific verification of rate-adaptive pacemakers

}, year = {2017}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, to appear}, language = {eng}, }