@inproceedings{47, keywords = {aerospace computing, application program interfaces, message passing, middleware, program testing, safety-critical software, software architecture, model-based test automation, concurrent flight software bus, concurrent design, test case analysis, NASA Core Flight Software software bus module, MBT technique, concurrent system testing, system-under-test, SUT, Microsoft Spec Explorer MBT tool, API, concurrent publisher-subscriber architecture style, safety-critical system, Testing, Software, Computer architecture, Concurrent computing, NASA, Automation, Context, Model Based Testing, Concurrency, Publish-Subscribe, Flight Software}, author = {D. Ganesan and M. Lindvall and S. Hafsteinsson and R. Cleaveland and S. Strege and W. Moleski}, title = {Experience Report: Model-Based Test Automation of a Concurrent Flight Software Bus}, year = {2016}, journal = {2016 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)}, month = {Oct}, doi = {10.1109/ISSRE.2016.47}, language = {eng}, }