@misc{6, keywords = {embedded boundary method, cardiac electrophysiology, tensor diffusion}, author = {SHUAI XUE and HYUNKYUNG LIM and JAMES GLIMM and FLAVIO FENTON and ELIZABETH CHERRY}, title = {SHARP BOUNDARY ELECTROCARDIAC SIMULATIONS}, abstract = {

We present a sharp boundary electrocardiac simulation model based on the finite volume embedded boundary method for the solution of voltage dynamics in irregular domains with anisotropy and a high degree of anatomical detail. This method is second order accurate uniformly up to boundaries and is able to resolve small features without the use of fine meshes. This capability is necessary to enable the repeated simulations required for future verification and validation and uncertainty quantification studies of defibrillation, where fine-scale heterogeneities, such as those formed by small blood vessels, play an important role and require resolution.

}, year = {2016}, address = {Stony Brook}, doi = {10.1137/15M1019283}, language = {eng}, }