Rance Cleaveland

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Islam, M. A., Byrne, G., Kong, S., Clarke, E. M., Cleaveland, R., Fenton, F. H., et al. (2016). Bifurcation Analysis of Cardiac Alternans Using δ -Decidability. CMSB. Presented at the. Springer. Retrieved de http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cmsb/cmsb2016.html#IslamBKCCFGJS16
Keiren, J. J. A., Fontana, P., & Cleaveland, R. (2017). A Menagerie of Timed Automata (vol 50, 42, 2017). Acm Computing Surveys, 50.
Islam, M. A., Lim, H., Paoletti, N., Abbas, H., Jiang, Z., Cyranka, J., et al. (2016). Cybercardia project: Modeling, verification and validation of implantable cardiac devices. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Presented at the. IEEE.
Daw, Z., Mangino, J., & Cleaveland, R. (2015). UML-VT: A Formal Verification Environment for UML Activity Diagrams. P&D@ MoDELS. Presented at the.
Ray, A., & Cleaveland, R. (2015). Security assurance cases for medical cyber–physical systems. Ieee Design & Test, 32, 56–65.
Daw, Z., & Cleaveland, R. (2016). An extensible formal semantics for UML activity diagrams. Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1604.02386.
Daw, Z., & Cleaveland, R. (2015). Comparing model checkers for timed UML activity diagrams. Science Of Computer Programming, 111, 277–299.
Keiren, J. J. A., Fontana, P., & Cleaveland, R. (2017). Corrections to "A Menagerie of Timed Automata". Acm Comput. Surv., 50, 42:1–42:8. https://doi.org/10.1145/3078809
Schulze, C., & Cleaveland, R. (2017). Improving Invariant Mining via Static Analysis. Acm Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 16, 167:1–167:20. https://doi.org/10.1145/3126504