Scott A. Smolka Scott A. Smolka

SUNY Distinguished Professor

Department of Computer Science
249 New Computer Science Building
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424

(631) 632-8453

Research Interests

Scott A. Smolka has made fundamental contributions in the areas of process algebra, model checking, probabilistic processes, and cardiac-cell modeling and analysis. He is perhaps best known for the algorithm he and Paris Kanellakis invented for deciding bisimulation. Smolka's research in these areas has resulted in over 150 publications, generating more than 7,000 citations. He has also been PI/Co-PI on grants totaling more than $18M.

Associate Directors
Rahul Mangharam Rahul Mangharam

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering

University of Pennsylvania


Research Interests

Real-time scheduling algorithms for networked embedded systems with applications in energy-efficient buildings, Automotive systems, Medical devices and Industrial wireless control networks.

Flavio Fenton Flavio Fenton

Associate Professor, School of Physics

Georgia Institute of Technology


Research Interests

High performance computing, Experiments in complex systems and Mathematical modeling of complex systems.

Rance Cleaveland Rance Cleaveland

Professor, Department of Computer Science

University of Maryland


Research Interests

Automated and interactive tools for reasoning about computer systems. Specification and verification of concurrent and distributed systems. Formal methods in system design and analysis. Semantics of programming languages and logics. Applications of logic in Computer Science.

Elizabeth Cherry Elizabeth Cherry

Assistant Professor

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology,
One Lomb Memorial Drive,
Office GOS 3348
Rochester, NY 14623-5603


Research Interests

Elizabeth Cherry's research interests are Cardiac electrophysiology, High-performance computing, Nonlinear dynamics and Mathematical biology.