Diverse Workshop Attracts Students Nationwide

In January the 2019 Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Workshop on Excitable Systems was held at Rochester Institute of Technology. The workshop offered a range of students active learning opportunities as well as (teams) across multiple modes (analytical, computational, laboratory).

The workshop highlighted the diverse nature of individuals interested in excitable systems with 25 students in total who represented a number of diverse demographic statistics, including:

  • Diversity: 14 female, 1 non-binary-gender, 4 AALANA, 1 veteran
  • Diversity of majors: biology, chemistry, computing, engineering, mathematics, physics majors
  • Diversity of locations: Bowdoin (ME) to Harvey Mudd (CA)
  • Diversity of schools types: Essex County (NJ) Community College to Harvard

Attendees enjoyed the workshop and commented:

“It gave me an understanding of real life scenarios outside of the classroom that I would not have been able to experience in my own courses.”

“It was great to meet people with whom I shared interests, but also had different backgrounds and perspectives on the subject matter.”

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